This remarkable sequence shows the efficiency of
the Hamburg ICE Works. These photos were taken with a digital camera that captures the
time each photo was taken. Here, a new wheelset arrives at 13:57:50. The old wheelset had
been removed in the same manner the new one will be installed.
In the background, a machine has been positioned for the operation. This machine both
lifts wheelsets and separates segments of special repair track above it.
The machine starts to move the segment of repair
rail away from its normal position, to the outside. The same operation is happening to the
track segment on the other side.

The new wheelset is being bolted into place as the
repair machine replaces the repair rails. The time on the photograph shows 14:06:14. The
total time to position the new wheelset is about 10 minutes!
This model of the wheelset change machine is on
display for visitors.